
Lairs & Legends 2 - The Definitive 5e Resource Anthology

Created by The DM Lair

Embark on 30+ new 5e adventures. Battle over 100 new epic monsters. Overcome mind-bending challenges. Discover hidden treasures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

$285k Stretch Goal Unlocked!
5 months ago โ€“ Thu, May 02, 2024 at 10:15:05 AM

We're nearing the end of the stretch goals now that you've unlocked the $285k goal! That means we'll be adding another adventure to Lairs & Legends 2; this time, it's a level 10 adventure that will put characters to the test of wielding awesome power!

"A dark god has decreed that his followers shall inherit the earth. Though they are few in number, they are mighty in power and have gained the ability to spread like a virus. With their newfound might, ordinary people are hopeless against them. Only by ascending to something greater and wielding power beyond mortal capacity can you hope to survive."

What's Next?

Next up is our final stretch goal: $300k for one last adventure. This time, it will be an epic 20th-level adventure. To achieve victory, adventurers will have to cast aside their mortal limits and, quite possibly, their mortal selves altogether. The adventure will test and challenge even the most powerful (and OP) of adventurers!

Artwork Teaser

Once more, we have some amazing artwork to share with you guys!

Gnevlem Fang Shaman, by Mitch Mueller

$270k Stretch Goal Unlocked! New Adventure Added to Lairs & Legends 2
5 months ago โ€“ Wed, May 01, 2024 at 12:55:47 PM

The stretch goals continue to fall, one after another. You've now unlocked another adventure to be added to Lairs & Legends 2! This time, it's a beginner-friendly level 4 adventure, perfect for introducing new players to the game!

Adventure Synopsis: "A mercenary group gone rogue has holed up in an old fort after kidnapping three people and looting goods from a merchant caravan. Situated in the heart of the desert and next to the only water for dozens of miles, it's not somewhere you can just march an army to. Instead, you send adventurers."

Next Up

Next up is another all-new adventure! This one will unlock at $285k, and will be a level 10 adventure designed that's designed to give your players a taste of unmatched power. . . and the consequences for using it. Even the most battle-hardened of heroes will find themselves challenged in this adventure, though heroes who prefer to talk things out before resorting to violence will also have their place.

Artwork Teaser

Of course, we can never resist showing off more of the amazing artwork that we're getting for these books!

The Elemental Emissary, by Al Firdausi

$255k Stretch Goal Unlocked!
5 months ago โ€“ Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 12:47:04 PM

We're nearing the end of the Kickstarter campaign, but you guys keep unlocking more stretch goals! This time, it's the $255k stretch goal: 10 all-new encounters for Loot & Lore 2!

These encounters will use the new monsters that you unlocked as a previous stretch goal! Get ready to mystify and terrify your players and their characters as they journey through your games!

What's next?

Next up, we start getting to the big stretch goals: new adventures. This first one-up is going to be a new level 4 adventure that's written to introduce new players to your games. But don't worry; the adventure will appeal to all types and experience levels of players. We're just carefully designing this one to be extra beginner-friendly!

Artwork Teaser

We keep getting amazing artwork every day; here's another sneak peek at the artwork you'll find inside:

From the Illiken, by Isiah Bradley

$240k Stretch Goal Smashed, New Adventure Unlocked!
5 months ago โ€“ Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 02:42:06 PM

New Adventure: Family Reunion

Thanks to the amazing support of our backers, our $240k stretch goal has been obliterated, and everyone will now get an additional adventure added to Lairs & Legends 2!

Thereโ€™s no place like home for the holidays! No matter how far away an adventurer roams, celebrations and special occasions are always best shared with family, even if that family is a herd of half-dragon stepsiblings with a common licentious parent. But what reunion doesnโ€™t have that one crazy uncle who wants to take over the world?

Family Reunion is a level-11 adventure that features several of the cool new creatures from Loot & Lore 2:

  • black drachimera
  • brass drattin
  • green dracolisk
  • hoarfrost behemoth
  • red dracorilla

Next Stretch Goal: 10 More Encounters

Next up on the chopping block is our $255k stretch goal to unlock more encounters in Loot & Lore 2!

Stand-alone encounters are great for spicing things up when the group travels from point A to point B, or when you need something exciting but self-contained to flesh out a game session. Shoot, GMs can even create entire adventures by linking these encounters together. Anyway, each encounter comes with its own individualized map, and we hope you'll all enjoy them!

Artwork Teaser

The artwork from our amazing team of artists continues to pour in. Here's another, and one of my favorites!

from The Hobgoblin's Wife, by Isiah Bradley

Project We Love: Into the Wilds

Our friend Tom Cartos, a prolific RPG map creator, has his Into the Wilds Kickstarter running right now to give folks battlemap books filled with RPG maps. I backed this bad boy myself as these foldout premade map books are perfect for my in-person games!

In their own words:

Into the Wilds is a collection of 9 fully customizable, biome and region-themed physical battlemap books for your favorite TTRPG. They are ideal for pre-set or random encounters, so you can be fully prepared no matter which direction your players choose to head in.

Volume 3 Introduces three new Urban-themed books to the series, while the returning Volumes 1 & 2 include Overworld and Underworld-themed books. The maps are all completely hand-drawn by well-known cartographer Tom Cartos, and are customizable with the included re-usable asset stickers, your own 3D terrain, or a dry-erase marker.

Backing at any tier also includes the complete digital bundle for online play or at home printing.


$225k Stretch Goal Unlocked: 10 More Puzzles for Loot & Lore 2!
5 months ago โ€“ Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 07:54:25 AM

Now that you smashed the $225k stretch goal, the team's getting right to work on adding 10 more puzzles to Loot & Lore 2! I'm super excited for this one since puzzles are some of the most difficult resources to come up with for games, so having some premade on hand is always fantastic!ย 

You've unlocked:

  • Color Theory, a clever gnome-crafted puzzle solved with various colored marbles
  • Shoving Stones, a classic boulder positioning puzzle with a twist
  • Keys of Time, an escape-room-style puzzle that will require sharp eyes and sharper minds
  • And more!

What's Next?

Next up, we have our $240k stretch goal: an all-new adventure. I can't tell you exactly what it's going to be just yet, but the team has some exciting things up their sleeves for it!

Artwork Teaser

Jhalidi by Al Firdausi

The jhalidi, a rare and unusual form of genie found on the plane of ice. Devoid of emotion with hearts as cold as the plane they call home, a jhalidi is as dangerous as it is regal and will add the perfect chilling touch to your next adventure.

Project I Love: Semi-Precious Stone Dice

Here's a cool project I thought all us dice nerds would want to see. Here you have yourself some hex-shaped d4s, not super great for use as caltrops granted, but they actually roll, which is probably a more important consideration than stopping bare-footed assailants. And of course d20s and everything else a dice goblin might need, in your choice of resin or semi-precious stones.

In their words:

For my fourth Kickstarter I re-considered every aspect of the dice we all know and love. After hundreds of prototypes, this is what I designed. Thanks for having a look! ย  -David

  • New d4 shape!
  • Mathematically balanced numbering layouts
  • Over 40% larger than standard dice
  • Hand-poured resin or semi-precious stone
  • Elegant case included

These are the ultimate in luxury dice, designed to be the best youโ€™ve ever rolled.
