
Lairs & Legends 2 - The Definitive 5e Resource Anthology

Created by The DM Lair

Embark on 30+ new 5e adventures. Battle over 100 new epic monsters. Overcome mind-bending challenges. Discover hidden treasures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Work Continues!
3 months ago โ€“ Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 12:13:58 PM

Please Complete Your Surveys :)

We still have quite a few backers who haven't completed their surveys. Please do so at your earliest convenience. Remember, we cannot deliver any rewards, digital or physical, until your survey has been completed.

If you're having trouble completing your survey for whatever reason, contact us at [email protected].

Remember, we will not charge your card for shipping until early 2025 prior to fulfillment.

Work In Progress

Artwork. Artwork production continues. What can I say, high-quality, beautiful artwork takes time. Final pieces continue to pour in though, so we get closer week by week!

Text and Stretch Goals. I think we're down to finalizing just one stretch goal: the encounters, and then we'll have all the copy done! I can't wait to cross that bridge!

Interior Layout. Work is proceeding on interior layout and design for both books. We continue to feed our graphic designer copy and art as fast as he can take them! :D

Foundry VTT Production. We actually began work on this over a month ago; I just forgot to mention it until now. So, yeah, this is proceeding well!

Work on Deck

Review Interior Layout. This is a few months off, but once the interiors for both books are laid out, along with artwork, we'll do a final review, as will our printer.

Cover Layout. The final covers need to be laid out for our printers. What you've seen thus far is just 3D mockups; this step involves creating the PDFs our printer will use when they make the actual books.


This is our high-level timeline, subject to change.

  • September 2024 - Interior layout finished and review process begins
  • January 2025 - Book Printing
  • March 2025 - Digital Fulfillment
  • May 2025 - Physical Fulfillment


The best way to contact our team is by emailing [email protected].

Artwork Teaser

Blaire Taylor by Matheus Calza

If you misplaced your survey, you can get your Backerkit Survey Link resent to you at any time here:

Using your survey link you can:

  • Choose additional addons.
  • Add or update your shipping address.
  • Add or update your payment information. (Cards will not be charged for shipping and addons until early 2025 prior to fulfillment.)

Surveys Have Been Sent
3 months ago โ€“ Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 08:06:33 AM

Surveys went out to all backers two weeks ago. If you haven't completed it yet, please do so when you have a moment. Remember, we cannot deliver any rewards, digital or physical, until your survey has been completed.

If you didn't receive your survey, there are two likely reasons:

  • The email went to your spam folder
  • The email you entered when you backed the project is undeliverable; this commonly happens when ordering from an Apple device which enters an "Apple ID" in place of an real email address.

If you misplaced your survey, you can get your Backerkit Survey Link resent to you at any time here:

However, if your email address on file isn't deliverable--which is probably the case if you attempt to get the survey resent but you receive nothing--you'll need to contact us at [email protected] to have it updated.

Remember, we will not charge your card for shipping until early 2025 prior to fulfillment.

Unable to Complete Survey

Some backers may find they're unable to complete their survey for various reasons. We have attempted to proactively reach out to these backers to provide instructions regarding how to complete their survey. However, if you find that you are unable to complete your survey, contact us at [email protected].

Work In Progress

Artwork. Artwork production continues. This will be an ongoing process for a few more months.

Text and Stretch Goals. We are continuing to finalize internal copy, including stretch goals.

Interior Layout. Work is proceeding on interior layout and design for both books. There are now a few chapters almost completely laid out!

Work on Deck

Review Interior Layout. This is a few months off, but once the interiors for both books are laid out, along with artwork, we'll do a final review, as will our printer.

Cover Layout. The final covers need to be laid out for our printers. What you've seen thus far is just 3D mockups; this step involves creating the PDFs our printer will use when they make the actual books.


This is our high-level timeline, subject to change.

  • September 2024 - Interior layout finished and review process begins
  • January 2025 - Book Printing
  • March 2025 - Digital Fulfillment
  • May 2025 - Physical Fulfillment


The best way to contact our team is by emailing [email protected].

Artwork Teaser

Revenant Aberrant by Al Firdausi

If you misplaced your survey, you can get your Backerkit Survey Link resent to you at any time here:

Using your survey link you can:

  • Choose additional addons.
  • Add or update your shipping address.
  • Add or update your payment information. (Cards will not be charged for shipping and addons until early 2025 prior to fulfillment.)

Surveys Coming Out This Week!
4 months ago โ€“ Tue, May 28, 2024 at 10:43:56 AM


This week all backers will get an email from Backerkit with a link where you can complete your survey for Lairs & Legends 2. This survey will allow you to

  • Enter your shipping address (required for all backers with physical rewards)
  • Enter your payment information for shipping costs since shipping costs were not charged during the Kickstarter campaign (required for all backers with physical rewards)
  • Confirm the contents of your pledge
  • Select any addons you may want

Remember, we will not charge your card for shipping until early 2025 prior to fulfillment.

Shipping Costs

We understand that the cost of shipping has gone up significantly over the last few years, and we've done our best to keep these costs as low as we can for backers, considering that shipping costs are completely out of our control.

The good news is that the shipping costs will be exactly what we told you they would be during the campaign.

Work In Progress

Artwork. Artwork production continues. This will be an ongoing process for a few more months.

Text and Stretch Goals. The text is just about done being reviewed, and parts have already been passed to interior layout. All the stretch goals are either complete or in progress.

Interior Layout. Work is proceeding on interior layout and design for both books.

Work on Deck

Review Interior Layout. This is a few months off, but once the interiors for both books are laid out, along with artwork, we'll do a final review, as will our printer.

Cover Layout. The final covers need to be laid out for our printers. What you've seen thus far is just 3D mockups; this step involves creating the PDFs our printer will use when they make the actual books.


This is our high-level timeline, subject to change.

  • September 2024 - Interior layout finished and review process begins
  • January 2025 - Book Printing
  • March 2025 - Digital Fulfillment
  • May 2025 - Physical Fulfillment


The best way to contact our team is by emailing [email protected].

Artwork Teaser

Undead at the Walls adventure by Brendan Lancaster

DC20 TTRPG Is About to Launch!

My friend Alan from the Dungeon Coach is launching DC20, a new TTRPG, on June 4! I've played this a few times now, and it was a blast. It had a familiar feel to 5e, but the flexibility of its four-action system made for some amazing cinematic and over-the-top combats and scenes.

Follow DC20 here to get notified when the project launches next week. You do not want to miss this!

Surveys Coming Soon
4 months ago โ€“ Tue, May 14, 2024 at 08:21:21 AM

Here's our biweekly update! Remember, our goal is to send progress updates every two weeks, usually on Tuesday.

Work In Progress

Surveys. We are working on getting Backerkit set up so that surveys can go out. In your survey you'll be able to answer project questions, select upgrades and addons, provide your shipping address, and the like. We're hoping to have these ready in the next two weeks.

Artwork. Artwork production continues. This will be an ongoing process for a few more months. Furthermore, we have begun to engage even more artists to speed things up.

Interior Layout. Work is beginning on interior layout and design for both books. The templates are nearly ready. The next step is to begin layout. (Yes, layout will happen concurrently with artwork production.)

Work on Deck

Review Interior Layout. This is a few months off, but once the interiors for both books are laid out, along with artwork, we'll do a final review, as will our printer.

Cover Layout. The final covers need to be laid out for our printers. What you've seen thus far is just 3D mockups; this step involves creating the PDFs our printer will use when they make the actual books.


This is our high-level timeline, subject to change.

  • September 2024 - Interior layout finished and review process begins
  • January 2025 - Book Printing
  • March 2025 - Digital Fulfillment
  • May 2025 - Physical Fulfillment


The best way to contact our team is by emailing [email protected].

Artwork Teaser

Reef Giant by Mitch Mueller

Project We Love: Worlds at a Glance

Worlds at a Glance: Towns & Villages is a cool project that I wanted to let you all know about. This book lets you create thousands of shops and locations that every town or city needs. I figured this would be perfect for my D&D and PF2e campaigns, so I picked it up myself.

In their own words:

One look, zero delays. Tools for worldbuilding customizable towns, shops & NPCs that won't slow down your session!

Worlds at a Glance allows you to create thousands of customizable shops and locations. Shop cards handouts for each location, make it easy to browse all the food, drinks, weapons, potions and other items for sale!

Depending on where your players go to, you can easily reveal side quests, rumors, secrets, desires and many other hidden elements!

Thank you all!
5 months ago โ€“ Thu, May 02, 2024 at 05:34:05 PM

And that's it, folks. Lairs & Legends 2 is on its way to coming to life! Over the coming months, we'll be pouring tons of time and energy into making these books into the amazing things that you are all excited for.

Thank you all so very much for believing in this project and making it possible for these two books to come to life!!!


Updates will now be on a biweekly (every two weeks) schedule. The first one will be on May 14th and then every two weeks after that.

Next Up

Next up is the project moving forward as we start the march to shipping your books!

Immediate Work. Immediately up for the team is getting the stretch goals written and edited. We'll be starting layout for all the components that have already been written, namely the adventures that were already written and most of the content for Loot & Lore 2.

Work on the Horizon. We'll be continuing to get artwork created and keep going with the layout process. We expect that this portion of the work will take several months to complete.

Artwork Teaser

Speaking of artwork, here's another sneak peak at some of the pieces we've gotten in!

From the Word of the Divine, by Kirby James